
Hello friends:) My name is Mary Hannah and welcome to my blog! For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to start a blog, but I didn’t know what I would talk about. So instead of being labeled as a “beauty blogger” or what not, I have decided that should be a place to talk about anything and everything. Whether it be fashion or me just talking about my day.

First thing that you guys should know about me, is that I love photography. I think you can make anything look beautiful through a camera lens. I pretty much love anything to do with writing and reading. I also dabble in sketching from time to time. But I think the most important thing you should know about me is that I love Taylor Swift.

Throughout this journey we will get to know each other more and more. I will tell you my life stories and share it through pictures. I may even talk about makeup if I am feeling a little rebellious. Really and truly this blog has no boundaries or guide lines.

I hope you enjoy coming along this journey with me.

P.S. In case you were wondering what I looked like, here you go. (Ignore the awkwardness of trying to take a cute picture in front of a van)nk

2 thoughts on “Introduction

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere lovely! I can’t wait to read more from you 🙂 I just followed you, it would be great if we can support each other! I hope you’ll enjoy blogging as much as we all do here ❤


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